Five simple ways to be more active



As I reflected on the last year I noticed many things that helped me train and many things that hindered me. What stuck out as the most efficient means of staying fit was building workouts into my existing environment. Since I spend a majority of time at work and home, why not add small and simple workouts throughout the day?

Making time to go to the gym after work can lead the mind to amazing feats of logic and rationalization for why you should just go home and watch TV. And if you are not a morning person, the idea of getting out of bed while it is still dark outside can be laughable.


I am more of a morning person and like to get my workouts out of the way before breakfast, but this isn’t always possible. While I am mostly able to stick to a training schedule when I have a race, getting my much needed exercise in the off season can be a chore.



Using a bike trainer in my garage has made riding much easier in the winter.

Sometimes the answer is not trying to squeeze in more trips to the gym in the early morning or a run after work. Building fitness and exercise opportunities into your workday can be a lot easier.


Here are some are simple ways to be more active at home and in the office:


1. Take hourly exercise breaks.

Keep a dumbbell or kettle bell by your desk. Between clients I attempt to do a set of pushups, dumbbell reps, or kettlebell swings. It gets my blood flowing and wakes me up, especially after lunch when it can be difficult to focus.



2. Bike to work.

If you have the luxury of working close enough to bike to work, this can be a great way to stay in shape. For most of the year my commute takes me through the traffic of seven different schools. Going by bicycle sometimes is even faster than driving. Try riding to your office on a day off to see how long the ride will be and to find the safest route. If biking is not an option you can always park  a couple blocks away from work and walk the rest.


3. Go on lunchtime walks.

A walk is great to digest the food you have eaten. Since lunchtime is usually the halfway point in the workday, it  is a great time to get outside for a few minutes and clear your head. Upgrading to a lunchtime run is doable if you plan properly.



4. Do push-ups during commercials.

Imagine how many sets you could fit into an hour or two of TV. Sunday football will never be the same. Or substitute with squats, jumping jacks, planks, etc.




5. Install a doorway pull-up bar.

My office doors are too wide for my doorway pull-up bar, but when I have used one at home I found it much easier to crank out a max set or two when walking by. Ideally put it in a place you walk by frequently.


There are certainly many more ways to fit exercise into your daily life.


What do you do?

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